1 day ago ODK Collect is an open source Android app that replaces paper forms used in survey-based If you need a different version of Collect, you can download from the web and install manually. 1. From your device's 7. Click on Next: Review. 8. Enter aggregate-role (or your desired name) as the name. 9. Click on Create role. start — The datetime the survey was started in ISO 8601 format (e.g., 2019-09- Returns an approximation of the mathematical constant π. geomdl(5.2.9) Object-oriented B-Spline and NURBS evaluation library オブジェクト指向の B-Spline および NURBS 評価ライブラリ Python module able to download a file from FTP and subset it using time-range,bounding-box,variables and depths. FTPからファイルを 言語アノテーションフレームワークISO 24612:2012用プロセッサ、聖書ヘブライ語に適用 i5c上のラズベリーパイのためのMS5803-14BA圧力センサー用のPythonライブラリ Google PlayでAndroidアプリの情報を取得するツール.
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